Please complete an application for "Student Teacher/Intern" on their AppliTrack website.
AppliTrack Instructions for Prospective Student Teachers and Interns
to submit your application, click on "Student Teacher/Intern (Job ID 628)".
AppliTrack Instructions for Prospective Student Teachers and Interns Visit to submit your application for Student Teacher/Intern (Job ID 628).
The application for prospective student teachers/interns includes 13 sections. Information marked * is required. You may save your work and return to finish it at a later date. The application for prospective student teachers/interns includes the following sections:
1. Personal Info Provide all requested information
2. Current Employment Status Select your response to the yes/no question
3. Postal Address Provide BOTH your permanent and present mailing addresses (if different)
4. Vacancy Desired Scroll down and select JobID 628: Student Teacher/Intern
5. Position Desired Select the type of placement being requested
* Administrative
* Student Support (non-teaching, i.e. Counselor, Media, SLP, Social Work, etc.)
* Student Teaching
6. Legal Information Provide all required information
7. Education Provide all required information
* It is not necessary to upload transcripts.
8. Education (cont.) Provide all required information
9. Statements of Understanding Read and digitally sign
10. Legal information Provide all required information
11. EEO Form Provide all required information
12. BIB Disclosure/Authorization Provide all required information
13. Confirmation Read and click “Submit” to make your application live
Thank you for your interest in completing a student teaching or internship experience with CHCCS!