COUNSELOR EDUCATION PROGRAM -- North Carolina Central University



When will I begin CON 5372: Supervised Practicum in Counseling (3 semester hours)?

You must successfully meet the prerequisite for this course, which consist of Phase 2 completion and a B or better in CON 5371: Pre-Practicum Counseling Skills.

What occurs in CON 5372: Supervised Practicum in Counseling (3 semester hours)?

Advanced candidates in counseling will participate in a clinical instructional environment under the supervision of a faculty member. Candidates will receive supervision from a faculty member as they obtain individual and group counseling experience. The practicum is a 100-hour field experience in a mental health, career, or school counseling setting.

You will be expected to meet weekly with your instructor in group supervision (the posted class time), but you will also be required to meet one additional hour each week for dyadic or triadic supervision (you plus another student with the faculty supervisor).  All supervision meetings are required each week.

How do I locate a field placement site?

During Pre-practicum, students received a list of approved field site placements. Please utilize the list provided to contact potential field placement sites. All site placements must be approved by the Field Site Coordinator. If students choose to work at a site not on the list of approved sites they must contact the Field Placement Coordinator for approval of the site.

What are the Site Supervisor Qualifications and Requirements?

A qualified site supervisor must have at least a master’s degree in counseling, social work, or psychology, and have at least two years experience in the field. The Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program prefers that students be supervised by Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors (LCMHC) or Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors-Supervisors (LCMHC-S).

Students completing site placement in the school setting, site supervisors must be a Licensed Professional School Counselor. In practicum, site supervisors will meet with the student on a weekly basis. During Internship, site supervisors will meet with the student for one hour every week.

Site supervisors must meet with the university supervisor at periodic intervals to discuss learning opportunities and student performance; attend program-sponsored meetings, institutes, seminars, and/or workshops; and prepare reports and evaluations as required by the program. Site supervisors are required to be on-site.

What constitutes a School Counseling Site Placement?

School counseling Practicum/Internship students are expected to work with clients in elementary, middle and high school settings.

**Remember that most school districts require additional documentation for field site placements. Most school districts require proof of Criminal Record Check and Health Examination Record. It is the student’s responsibility to fulfill these requirements in a timely manner. **

What constitutes a Clinical Mental Health Counseling Site Placement?

Clinical mental health counseling Practicum/Internships students are expected to work in a variety of mental health settings including agencies, private practice, hospitals, and prisons.

**Remember, some clinical mental health counseling agencies may require additional documentation. Hospitals and prisons involve a lengthier and complicated process and could potentially delay placement. It is the student’s responsibility to fulfill these requirements in a timely manner. In addition, it is imperative that Online campus students check the requirements in their home state’s requirements for licensure.**

Can I use my place of employment as my Practicum or Internship site?

We do not allow students to complete their Practicum or Internship at their place of employment. Students are discouraged from using their place of employment as their Practicum or Internship. We cannot compromise the quality and integrity of our program. We would like for you to think beyond convenience. We would like for you to have a unique experience and feel competent as a professional upon the completion of this program. If there are no other alternatives, the program coordinator and field site coordinator will have to review the next steps.

How can I purchase the Professional Liability Insurance?

As a program, we are requiring that students purchase Student Professional Liability Insurance from one of several counseling organizations. You can join these organizations as a student member in order to receive the student discount price. Once you join, allow a few days before you are able to retrieve your  Professional Liability Certificate of Insurance (COI). Please keep in mind that your membership is only granted for 1 year.  If you are in Practicum and Internship for longer than one year, you will need to renew your membership/insurance coverage.

Can I begin my Practicum/Internship prior to the start of class?

Students are not allowed to begin their Practicum/Internship until the first day of the semester in which they are enrolled. Please adhere to the Memorandum of Agreement begin and end dates.

Can I remain at my site placement after classes have ended?

No, students cannot continue at their site placement after classes have ended. Because students are counselors-in-training, the professional liability insurance serves to financially cover counselors-in-training in the event a civil suit or licensure matters during the field placement experiences. Students must end their Practicum/Internship by the end date designated within the Memorandum of Agreement.


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NCCU Counselor Education Program

H.M. Michaux, Jr. School of Education Building
700 Cecil Street
Durham, NC 27707
©  2010-2024 - NCCU Counselor Education Program
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