COUNSELOR EDUCATION PROGRAM -- North Carolina Central University

A Message for Alumni

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My name is Dara Blaine and I am the Director of The Career Center at the Entertainment Community Fund, a national human services organization that supports a life in the arts. In the Career Center, we focus on counseling performing arts and entertainment professionals on how to manage their creative careers.

I found your contact information through the CACREP Directory of career counseling programs. We are currently hiring for two positions in our New York office that might be a great fit for your community:

Career Counselor Supervisor – New York

Career Transitions For Dancers Career Counselor – New York

We would love if you could share these unique opportunities with your community of recent graduates and alums.  We also hire interns annually and would be excited to share more opportunities as they come along.




Dara Blaine, MS (she/her)
Director, The Career Center
729 Seventh Avenue, 10th Floor | New York, NY 10019
5757 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 400 | Los Angeles, CA 900356

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NCCU Counselor Education Program

H.M. Michaux, Jr. School of Education Building
700 Cecil Street
Durham, NC 27707
©  2010-2024 - NCCU Counselor Education Program
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