COUNSELOR EDUCATION PROGRAM -- North Carolina Central University

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Student Newsletter and Reminders

April 13, 2020


Summer Offerings

thinking of youWe hope that you are well and doing all that you can to remain healthy and well.  

North Carolina Central University has announced that ALL summer courses will be online courses.  There will not be any on campus courses this summer.  At this time, we do not have any new information about Fall coursework

Just a reminder about our summer courses (as announced in the last student newsletter).

  • CON 5372: All sections of the Practicum course (CON 5372) will be cancelled this summer. No one will be permitted to start their practicum placement this summer.
  • CON 5390:  Only those students who have been permitted to continue at their Internship sites will be allowed to take the second half of their Internship course this summer. Current internship instructors will provide information to their students if they are approved. This restriction does not apply to those students who may receive an Incomplete (“I”) this Spring and may be trying to complete their Spring internship hours. Current practicum students with plans to start Internship in the summer will need to wait until the Fall to begin their internship.

Because of these changes, the only Memorandums of Agreement that were due on April 10 were the MOAs from those students who were approved to take the 2nd half of their internship. All other MOAs for the Fall semester will be due by July 10, 2020.

If you are impacted by this change, please get in touch with your adviser at some point to revise your plan of study.

Our hope (right now) is that our Fall schedule will remain as it is, and we already anticipate that we will need to make room in some Fall sections of courses to accommodate students misplaced by the Summer changes. However, with that said, please be aware that circumstances are fluid and could yet change again. Unfortunately, we can not guarantee at this time that the Fall schedule will remain unchanged. 


Summer Textbooks

Don't forget that a textbook list is posted on the Program's website here:

Please have your materials available and ready before the first summer session begins on May 26, 2020.


May Webinar: May 5, 2020

WEBINAR: The Impact of Substance Abuse on Families and Children

May 5, 2020 at 1pm EDT


Dr. Robert Horne

The description for this webinar is not yet available.  When ready, registration for this event will be posted on the Program's website,



Upcoming Dates to Remember for Counselor Education Students: 

  • April 14: Final Defenses for Spring and Summer Graduates
  • April 14: School of Education Faculty Meeting
  • April 27: Last Day of Classes for Graduating Students
  • May 5: May Webinar
  • May 6: Last Day of Classes for All Students
  • May 7: May and Summer Graduate Exit Interview (via WebEX)
  • May 26: First day of classes for Dual and Summer Session 1

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The "Student Newsletter and Reminders" is sent out to the student email list every two weeks.

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NCCU Counselor Education Program

H.M. Michaux, Jr. School of Education Building
700 Cecil Street
Durham, NC 27707
©  2010-2024 - NCCU Counselor Education Program
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