COUNSELOR EDUCATION PROGRAM -- North Carolina Central University

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I hope that your Fall semester is off to a great start. Hopefully, you are adjusting to your current field site placement.

If you are planning to complete your Practicum/Internship in the Spring 2020 semester, your Spring Memorandum of Agreement is due by Friday, November 15, 2019. The Memorandum of Agreement has been posted to our website.

I implore you to begin now contacting agencies and schools listed on the Site Supervisor spreadsheet so that you can secure a placement. Remember, you are responsible for securing a placement.

Moving forward, if your Memorandum of Agreement is not submitted by the deadline date, it wil lnot be accepted and you will be dropped from the course. Because the Memorandum of Agreement process has to be approved by our Legal Team, we have to adhere to this strict deadline.

If you are planning to complete your Practicum/Internship within a local school setting, please notify Dr. Blount as approval must be made by the school district.

I look forward to working with each of you.


Dr. Blount 

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NCCU Counselor Education Program

H.M. Michaux, Jr. School of Education Building
700 Cecil Street
Durham, NC 27707
©  2010-2024 - NCCU Counselor Education Program
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