Student Newsletter
Happy New Year!
Faculty will potentially be unavailable until close to the time the spring semester begins on January 8, 2024.
Should you need something before January 8th, please contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." target="_blank" data-cke-saved-' + path + '\'' + prefix + ':' + addy18452 + '\'>'+addy_text18452+'<\/a>'; //--> .
Best Wishes, Dr. Scott
Dr. Levette Scott's role as a full time faculty member in the Counseling Program at North Carolina Central University came to a close at the end of the fall 2023 semester. Dr. Scott has been with the Counseling Program since 2014.
We wish her well in her new role at Duke University Hospital!
If you are one of Dr. Scott's advisees, you will receive more information about a new faculty advisor at some point before the next registration period.
Spring Semester - 2024
- Classes begin the week of January 8, 2024.
- Online asynchronous classes start at 12:01am on Monday, January 8.
- Online synchronous classes and on-campus classes will meet at their specified day and time.
Classes begin the week of January 8, 2024
On campus
- CON 5351: Principles and Procedures of Group Counseling (Tuesdays at 4pm) There is also a mandatory residency (Feb. 27-29)
- CON 5361: Assessment, Evaluation, and Analysis in Counseling (Tuesdays at 4pm)
- CON 5371: Pre-practicum in Counseling (Wednesdays at 4pm)
- CON 5372: Supervised Practicum (Tuesdays at 5pm - there will be an additional one hour meeting each week)
- CON 5390: Internship in Counseling (Wednesdays at 5pm)
Online - synchronous (meets a specific day and time - everyone is online at the same time)
- CON 5351: Principles and Procedures of Group Counseling (Thursdays at 7, and two sections of Tuesdays at 4 - three sections total)
- CON 5371: Pre-practicum in Counseling (Thursdays at 5pm)
- CON 5372: Supervised Practicum (2 sections, Tuesdays at 5pm)
- CON 5390: Internship in Counseling (4 sections, Wednesdays at 5pm)
- EDGR 5920: Procedures in Educational Research (Mondays at 4pm)
Online - asynchronous (no specific meeting day - not everyone is online at the same time)
- CON 5201: Ethical and Professional Orientation to Counseling
- CON 5304: Advanced School Counseling (mandatory orientation meeting on Jan. 11 at 7pm)
- CON 5306: Introduction to Addictions Counseling
- CON 5307: Crisis, Trauma, and Grief Counseling
- CON 5308: Counseling Children and Adolescents
- CON 5320: Vocational Theory and Career Development (2 sections)
- CON 5326: Contemporary Issues in Addiction
- CON 5328: Family Counseling and Addictions
- CON 5331: Psychosocial Development and Behavioral Dynamics
- CON 5350: Clinical Interventions in Events of Crisis
- CON 5360: Multicultural and Gender Issues in Counseling (3 sections; Kurian's section has a mandatory orientation on January 8 at 7pm)
- CON 5361: Assessment, Analysis, and Evaluation in Counseling
- CON 5362: Diagnosis, Assessment, and Psychopathology
- CON 5373: Consultative/Referral Process in Counseling
- CON 5381: Intro to Clinical Mental Health Counseling
For other EDGR course offerings (5910 and 5920), please check Banner. There will likely be additional sections of 5910 and 5920.
There may be some issues with textbook orders in the campus bookstore - related to the campus's cyberintrusion in November/December. The campus is still working to overcome specific networking challenges.
Don't forget that our Program provides a textbook listing on our website here.
CPCE (comps) in the Spring of 2024
Practicum and pre-practicum students planning to take the CPCE (comps) in the spring 2024 need to register by January 20th to be authorized for testing in the spring testing window (March 11-22, 2024). We don't currently have a summer testing window and pre-practicum students should take the CPCE in the March testing window.
You will complete the CPCE registration survey and await Dr. Barrow's further instructions in late-January. Go to>Comprehensive Exam>CPCE Registration Interest
which will take you to a Google survey you complete to tell Dr. Barrow how you would like to test (at home, at NCCU, or at a Pearson Vue site near you). For more information please visit
Latest Announcements from nccuCounseling
- Textbooks - Spring 2024 2023-12-09
- SAVE THE DATE: Graduate/Undergraduate Research Symposium - April 6, 2024 2023-12-05
Upcoming Dates to Remember for nccuCounseling:
- January 8: Classes resume - 1st day of classes for spring semester
- January 15: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Observance - no classes
- January 16: School of Education Faculty Meeting (faculty only)
- January 20: CPCE registration deadline
- January 20 @ 3pm: Site Supervisor Orientation Meeting
- January 22: Late registration and schedule adjustment period (drop/add/section changes) conclude at 4pm
- January 23: First day for a student to initiate a withdrawal from a class or institution
- January 23: Departmental Faculty Meeting (faculty only)
Did you know that you can subscribe to the nccuCounseling calendar? If you use a digital calendar, you can subscribe and have all of the information from the "Key Dates" letter auto-populate in your calendar. Visit our website for more information.