COUNSELOR EDUCATION PROGRAM -- North Carolina Central University

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Student Newsletter

November 20, 2023


Publishing Opportunity


Career Convergence Image

Dr. Williams is the newest Field Editor for Career Convergence Web Magazine. Published by the National Career Development Association, this peer-reviewed monthly publication addresses a wide variety of topics for career practitioners and educators.

Dr. Williams is currently seeking graduate students who would like to submit a brief article (no more than 950 words) on the topic of parenting and career (other topics can be considered as well). Perhaps students can team up and submit a joint article, Dr. Williams can help you brainstorm and edit prior to submission. To learn more about submission requirements and departmental submission areas, please visit:

Please e-mail Dr. Williams at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." target="_blank" data-cke-saved-' + path + '\'' + prefix + ':' + addy50952 + '\'>'+addy_text50952+'<\/a>'; //--> by Nov. 29, 2023 if you are interested. She will meet with students prior to winter break to brainstorm, as well as in January, for a potential early or mid-February article submission timeline.


Registration for Spring Courses

Please register for the spring semester, if you have not already done so.

Our goal is to help you move through the program at a steady rate, but it may not always be at the pace in which you thought you could go.  Some classes may fill early, and you may need to adjust your schedule a bit.  Some classes may be offered in a mode (online or on-campus) in which you can not take during a given semester, so you may need to adjust your plan/schedule with your advisor and take it the next time it is offered in your needed mode.

Keep in mind that any plan you develop with your advisor is always subject to change based on course availability.

Please note a few things:

  • There is no guarantee that the courses will be offered every year as listed. You should re-visit your plan with your advisor every semester as schedules are released and advising takes place.
  • Campus students should take on-campus courses when offered.  Online students can not take on-campus courses. The sequencing of how and when courses are offered will impact how you progress through the program.  You will want to pay very close attention to the sequencing.  You will possibly need to revise your current plan of study.
  • Some classes are only offered online.  Please refer to the course sequencing document found on the student website.

Spring Semester, 2024 - Classes begin January 8, 2024

On campus

  • CON 5351: Principles and Procedures of Group Counseling  (Tuesdays at 4pm)  There is also a mandatory residency (Feb. 27-29)
  • CON 5361: Assessment, Evaluation, and Analysis in Counseling (Tuesdays at 4pm)
  • CON 5371: Pre-practicum in Counseling (Wednesdays at 4pm)
  • CON 5372: Supervised Practicum (Tuesdays at 5pm - there will be an additional one hour meeting each week)
  • CON 5390: Internship in Counseling (Wednesdays at 5pm)

Online - synchronous

  • CON 5351: Principles and Procedures of Group Counseling (Thursdays at 7, and two sections of Tuesdays at 4 - three sections total)
  • CON 5371: Pre-practicum in Counseling (Thursdays at 5pm)
  • CON 5372: Supervised Practicum (2 sections, Tuesdays at 5pm)
  • CON 5390: Internship in Counseling (4 sections, Wednesdays at 5pm)
  • EDGR 5920: Procedures in Educational Research (Mondays at 4pm)

Online - asynchronous

  • CON 5201: Ethical and Professional Orientation to Counseling
  • CON 5304: Advanced School Counseling (mandatory orientation meeting on Jan. 11 at 7pm)
  • CON 5306: Introduction to Addictions Counseling
  • CON 5307: Crisis, Trauma, and Grief Counseling
  • CON 5308: Counseling Children and Adolescents
  • CON 5320: Vocational Theory and Career Development (2 sections)
  • CON 5326: Contemporary Issues in Addiction
  • CON 5328: Family Counseling and Addictions
  • CON 5331: Psychosocial Development and Behavioral Dynamics
  • CON 5350: Clinical Interventions in Events of Crisis
  • CON 5360: Multicultural and Gender Issues in Counseling (3 sections; Kurian's section has a mandatory orientation on January 8 at 7pm)
  • CON 5361: Assessment, Analysis, and Evaluation in Counseling
  • CON 5362: Diagnosis, Assessment, and Psychopathology
  • CON 5373: Consultative/Referral Process in Counseling
  • CON 5381: Intro to Clinical Mental Health Counseling

For other EDGR course offerings (5910 and 5920), please check Banner.  There will likely be additional sections of 5910 and 5920.

Student Socials


Nu Chi Chi, NCCU's Chapter of Chi Sigma Iota (Counseling Honor Society), would like to welcome everyone to the Fall 2023 semester. You may recall that over the prior academic year, Nu Chi Chi hosted monthly virtual social hours for the counseling program. The chapter plans to continue these events throughout the Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 semesters. These events will continue to occur on the 4th Sunday of every month, from 7:00-8:00pm (ET). These events are open to all students and faculty and provide a space for us to get to know & support each other while building community.  If you're available – we'd love to see you. Pop in and say hello!

Upcoming Social Hours (Virtual): 

  • Sunday, November 26th


Link to Join:

Upcoming Social Hours for the Fall 2023 semester will occur from 7-8pm (ET).


Stay tuned for more information on upcoming events.  

Please email Kevin Eason, Nu Chi Chi Chapter President, at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." data-cke-saved-' + path + '\'' + prefix + ':' + addy70918 + '\'>'+addy_text70918+'<\/a>'; //-->  with any questions or for more information.  

Latest Announcements from nccuCounseling


Upcoming Dates to Remember for nccuCounseling:  

  • November 22-26: Thanksgiving recess - no classes
  • November 26: Student social
  • November 27: Last day of classes for graduating students; last day of class lecture for non-graduating students
  • November 28: Reading day
  • November 29-30: Final exams for graduating students
  • November 29-December 7: Final exams for non-graduating students
  • December 1: Final grades for graduating students due in Banner
  • December 5: School of Education graduate certification meeting (faculty only)
  • December 8: Commencement rehearsal (virtual) - 8-9:30am; all grades due in Banner
  • December 9: Commencement ceremony - 9am


Did you know that you can subscribe to the nccuCounseling calendar?  If you use a digital calendar, you can subscribe and have all of the information from the "Key Dates" letter auto-populate in your calendar.  Visit our website for more information.

The Student Newsletter is sent to the student email list every two weeks.

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NCCU Counselor Education Program

H.M. Michaux, Jr. School of Education Building
700 Cecil Street
Durham, NC 27707
©  2010-2024 - NCCU Counselor Education Program
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