Student Newsletter
Please Join us for our October Webinar

Ethical Issues, Complaints, and Investigations: Insights from a Counselor and Board Complaint Investigator
Tuesday, October 3, 2023 @ 1pm (eastern)
Nick DeJesus, LCMHCS, NCC
Ethics Consultant/Board Investigator - NC Board of Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors
Participants will learn:
- Top ethical issues LCMHC’s face in NC over the past 3 years;
- How ethical complaints are received and investigated by the Board;
- What to do if a complaint is filed against you;
- Common themes in Counselor behavior from recent complaints over the past 3 years.
Registration available on Program website soon.
Counseling Fellowships Available - NBCC Foundation
Deadline to apply is September 30th!
The NBCC Foundation is pleased to announce the application period for the 2024 National Board for Certified Counselors Minority Fellowship Program (NBCC MFP).
Ninety (90) doctoral- and master’s-level counseling fellowships are available for current counseling students.
Fellowship award amounts range from $10,000 to $20,000 and include fellowships in the following categories:
- Up to 20 doctoral fellowships for counselor education and supervision students
- Up to 30 master's fellowships for mental health counseling students
- Up to 40 master's fellowships for addictions counseling students
The MFP is made possible by a grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and is administered by the NBCC Foundation. The MFP for addictions counseling fellowships are administered by the NBCC Foundation in collaboration with NAADAC, the Association for Addiction Professionals.
Application Deadline: September 30, 2023

Student Immunization Requirements
Students who have not completed their immunization requirements should contact Student Health ASAP as classes are subject to be dropped on September 14, 2023.
Fall Career and Internship Fair - NCCU Career and Professional Development Center
The event will be held on September 21 from 10:00 AM until 1:00 PM in the Event Hall of the Student Center. The fair is open to ALL undergraduate and graduate students as well as ALL majors. There will be 100 employers in attendance ranging from corporations, government agencies, medical organizations and laboratories, and various school systems.

Latest Announcements from nccuCounseling
- Submit a Poster Session Presentation Proposal for NC School Counselor Association Annual Conference 2023-09-05
- Governor's Page Week - October 23-26 2023-09-05
- Color of Education Summit 2023-08-31
- Internship Opportunity at Reaching All Minds Academy - Durham 2023-08-30
- Part-time Middle School Counseling Position at Canterbury School - Greensboro, NC 2023-08-30
- Internship Opportunity at Central Park School for Children - Durham 2023-08-30
- October Webinar: Ethical Issues, Complaints, and Investigations: Insights from a Counselor and Board Complaint Investigator - Tuesday, October 3 2023-08-29
Upcoming Dates to Remember for nccuCounseling:
- September 11: CPCE testing window opens for fall 2023
- September 12: School of Education faculty meeting
- September 15: Last day to withdraw from a class/university with a prorated tuition and fee adjustment; last day for students to apply for graduation online (fall 2023 graduates)
- September 17: Prospective Student Information Session - 7pm
- September 21: Career & Internship Fair
- September 26: Departmental faculty meeting
- September 29: General NCCU faculty meeting; Stress First-Aid Training
- October 3: Counseling webinar @ 1pm
Did you know that you can subscribe to the nccuCounseling calendar? If you use a digital calendar, you can subscribe and have all of the information from the "Key Dates" letter auto-populate in your calendar. Visit our website for more information.