COUNSELOR EDUCATION PROGRAM -- North Carolina Central University

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Student Newsletter

August 1, 2022


Back to School!

We hope that you enjoyed your summer and that you are excited and gearing up for the 2022-2023 academic year!  Classes for the fall semester are set to begin on Monday, August 15th.  Syllabi and online course shells will not be available for students until classes begin.

Faculty will return to campus next week, starting on August 9th.  There are meetings scheduled for faculty and staff all week, so please be patient as we get back into the swing of things.

As mentioned in an earlier newsletter, we have a new faculty member joining us this fall, Dr. Karlesia Montague.  Dr. Montague will be teaching the following courses this fall:

  • CON 5306-OL2
  • CON 5310-OL3, and
  • CON 5372-OL4

All of these courses are currently listed in BANNER with Dr. Royal as the instructor.  However, Dr. Montague's name should appear with each course in BANNER soon.

Textbooks / Fall Courses

Don't forget that textbook information is ALWAYS available on the Program's website:

Unless you have to purchase through the University bookstore, please feel free to order your texts through whichever site you choose.  Just make sure that you will receive them before your courses begin.  Most courses will have reading assignments within the first week of school.


Eagle Counseling, Consultation, and Research Clinic (ECCRC)

You may not have heard yet...the Counselor Education Program is opening a community counseling clinic on campus in the School of Education.  Thanks to efforts led by Dr. Helen Lupton-Smith, Dr. Alyx Beckwith, Dr. Tasha Becton, Dr. Taheera Blount, and graduate assistant Kevin Eason, the program has received a $199,000 grant from Blue-Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina to help fund this initiative.  

The plan is for the clinic to open at the start of the fall semester - with the intention of serving the Durham and surrounding communities (more about the clinic's vision and mission below).  The clinic will serve as a placement site for NCCU Counseling students for years to come.

Malaika Edwards, MS, LCMHC has been hired as the full-time clinic director.  Malaika is a doctoral student at NC State University in their Counselor Education and Supervision program.  More about Malaika and the clinic here:

Please stay tuned for more information about ECCRC and its opening this fall; we are excited about this opportunity to serve!

Eagle Counseling, Consultation and Research Clinic (ECCRC)
Located on the second floor of the H.M. Michaux, Jr. School of Education Building
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Vision: To serve as a model of counseling services, counselor training, and research focusing on community outreach and engagement, total wellness, substance use recovery support, telehealth counseling options, and school and community partnerships.

Mission: To provide affordable, accessible counseling services founded in cultural awareness, social justice, and wellness principles to improve the overall mental and emotional health of the Durham community and beyond while providing clinical training experiences for graduate counseling students.

Beliefs & Values:

  • We value people. We honor every person and their history.
  • We acknowledge that many people who have been systemically and historically disenfranchised as a result of their identity may not have had access to quality mental health services.
  • We believe in the importance of breaking down barriers to mental health services for individual and community wellness.
  • We believe in quality mental healthcare for everyone, regardless of their financial status or insurance coverage.



Labor Market Information = Job Opportunities

When we receive job postings or announcements, they are posted our website for three months.  Please feel free to visit this page often before and after you graduate.

We posted the following announcements in the month of June:

Vass-Lakeview Elementary (Moore County Schools) is hiring 28 June 2022
Guilford College (Greensboro) is hiring 23 June 2022
Royal Phoenix Life Services (Raleigh) is hiring 22 June 2022
Chatham Central High School is hiring an Intervention Counselor 10 June 2022
Wake Tech is hiring - Career Coach 09 June 2022
Licensed Clinical Addiction Specialist Position - Henderson, NC 09 June 2022



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  1. Text "@nccuco" to 81010, or
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Did you know we also have our own app?  Click on THIS LINK in your mobile device or tablet.  Select "Add to Home Screen".

Student Liability Coverage in Practicum and Internship

We have a change in the requirement for professional liability coverage while in Practicum and Internship. Starting this summer, 2022, students will no longer purchase a blanket policy through the University.

Students will need to join either ACA, ASCA, or AMHCA and receive liability coverage through the organization (which should come with membership). Students will need to submit a “Certificate of Insurance” (COI) when they submit their Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). 

When you join one of the above organization, be sure to either download or request a copy of your COI.  It is only one of many benefits in joining a professional organization.



Pursuing a Second Degree

For students who are graduating Spring 2022 or later, you MUST complete a minimum of 18 semester hours above and beyond your original plan of study in order to receive a second degree from NCCU.  There are very specific courses that must be completed to receive a second degree and these are specified on this page:

If you are pursuing two degrees, make sure that you have completed the new form that ensures the University is aware of your intention to pursue two degrees at the same time.  This form is new as of fall 2021.  It can be found in the forms area of the student website ("Adding a Second Major").

This form is completed and sent to your advisor for processing.  Once the form has been processed, you should see both degree programs on your transcript in BANNER.

Please note that your second internship must consist of a 600-hour placement.  In other words, students receiving a second degree will complete a second 600-hour internship placement (600 hours for their first major, 600 hours for their second major).

Please speak with your advisor if you have any questions.

Latest Announcements from nccuCounseling


Upcoming Dates to Remember for nccuCounseling: 

  • August 1: Final grades due in BANNER for summer 2: tuition and fees due for fall semester
  • August 9: University conference (faculty and staff only)
  • August 10-12: School of Education faculty meetings
  • August 11-12: GA new hire orientation - HR
  • August 15: First day of classes, fall semester


Did you know that you can subscribe to the nccuCounseling calendar?  If you use a digital calendar, you can subscribe and have all of the information from the "Key Dates" letter auto-populate in your calendar.  Visit our website for more information.

The Student Newsletter is sent to the student email list every two weeks.

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NCCU Counselor Education Program

H.M. Michaux, Jr. School of Education Building
700 Cecil Street
Durham, NC 27707
©  2010-2024 - NCCU Counselor Education Program
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