Category: Students
Hits: 5012

If at any time during a student’s training, faculty receive information about unethical professional behavior, a student may be referred to the Disposition Review Committee.

This committee will contain at least two Counselor Education faculty members and either the Program Coordinator or Department Chair.  The committee is assigned ad hoc by either the Program Coordinator or Department Chair.  The faculty member who refers the student to the committee will not serve on the committee.

The committee will schedule a time to meet with the student to discuss the issue or reason for referral.  The committee will give some thought to what was discussed with the student - and develop a remediation plan to address the behavior.  The student will be notified, in writing, about the plan.  If the student is to remain in the Program, they will need to comply with the plan.

If the student is unwilling to comply with the requirements of a remediation plan in order to address fit for service, the student can be dismissed from continuation in the program.