Category: Foliotek
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Most, if not all, Schools of Education in the United States (that are accredited by NCATE/CAEP) are required to maintain "electronic data management systems".  These are also knows as "Assessment systems" or "Portfolio systems".

The School of Education at NCCU has adopted FOLIOTEK.  The Foliotek company is located in St. Louis, MO, and is not directly affiliated with NCCU.  We have contracted with them to provide the digital portfolio system for us.  

While you are a student within the Counselor Education Program at NCCU, you are required to purchase and maintain a Foliotek account.  This account should be purchased sometime before the end of your first semester, and you will need to maintain an active account until you graduate.  Account information will be sent to your NCCU email address at some point during your first semester in the Program.  Please respond to the message when you receive it.  Do not contact Foliotek directly to inquire about obtaining an account. 

It will cost approximately $30 per year, and will be paid onilne directly to the Foliotek company.  

To initially purchase an account, a faculty member within the program will have to enter your name, email, and program track information into the Foliotek system. The Foliotek system will then send you an enrollment email with the appropriate "portfolio codes".  The codes are specific to each student, and can not be shared.  You will have to actively respond to the enrollment email and purchase your account.

There are three different digital portfolios within system: (a) a Career Counseling portfolio, (b) a Clinical Mental Health Counseling portfolio, and (c) a School Counseling portfolio.  A mental health counseling major will have a different portfolio/interface/view than a school counseling major.  The portfolio structures are based on the different requirements of each program's plan of study.

For almost every class you take, regardless of your major, you will be required to upload assignments and elements from your courses.  Because each portfolio structure is different, not everyone will have to upload the same assignments (e.g., a mental health major will not have to upload all of the same assignments as a school counseling major).

The assignments that you upload are directly linked to CACREP standards based on your plan of study.  Each standard is addressed by at least one assignment.  The Foliotek user interface within the Assessment Portfolio should clearly tell you what needs to be uploaded within each phase of your plan of study.

 You will be held accountable for uploading the required assignments each semester, and the Program uses the Foltiotek system for your mid-program review and the final Foliotek defense.

In the case of dual-majoring students, please request that the second (new) portfolio structure be added to your Foliotek account.  Send this request to Dr. Royal (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).  Please indicate what your current (existing) and second (new) majors are.  There are no additional Foliotek fees required to add another portfolio structure.