Category: Advising
Hits: 17072
Final Defense

Your final defense will take place during your last semester in school.  For most, if not all students, this happens while you are in your final semester of Internship (CON 5390).  The defenses are usually scheduled approximately one month before the graduation ceremony.  Please sign up for an appointment time using the link below. 

Online Students

For online students, we will conduct your defense using WebEX.  You will still need to sign up for an appointment time (below).  A faculty member will send you a WebEX invitation sometime before the defense is to take place, but after you have scheduled an appointment.  



To schedule your final defense, visit this link:


If there are no appointment slots availalbe within the calendar system, please let Dr. Chad Royal know (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).