Category: Student Announcements
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Student Newsletter

October 28, 2024



Voter Awareness


Our Counselor Education program’s Chi Sigma Iota Chapter (Nu Chi Chi) is sponsoring a voter awareness initiative for the election on November 5th.  Below is information on how to vote and early voting on campus if this is helpful for you and to pass on to others.  Let’s help get the vote out!  Sincerely, your CSI officers and advisors.

How, When, & Where to Vote as a NC Central University Student:

This fall, North Carolina will hold elections for president, congress, governor, NC supreme court, NC legislature, NC council of state, and local offices. Don’t miss your chance to make your voice heard as you cast a ballot to choose new elected officials for our city, state, and nation!

The NC voter registration deadline was October 11th, which was the deadline to register for Election Day voting. Check your registration online at to make sure it’s up to date and that you’re registered at the address where you plan to vote this fall.

Need to get registered or update your registration? If you have an NC driver’s license or DMV ID, you can register online using the DMV’s self-service portal. Don’t have an NC driver's license or DMV ID? Need help registering or updating your voter registration? Visit for more information. 

Students can register on campus and vote in NC elections. If you’re a US citizen, at least 18 years of age, and not currently serving a felony sentence (including probation or parole), you can register and vote in Durham County!

Live on campus? Use 1801 Fayetteville St. Durham, NC 27707 as your residential address in Box 4 when you fill out the voter registration form or visit to learn more about how to register as a North Carolina Central  student.

When registering to vote in NC, BE SURE to include your permanent mailing address in box 5! Your voter registration card can be sent anywhere in the country that receives mail.

Want to vote by mail using your NC home address? While voting by mail is an option for voters registered in NC, voting in person during Early Voting is the best way to ensure your ballot is counted. If you want to vote by mail, any North Carolina voter can request an absentee ballot at, however your ballot will not count unless it is returned by Election Day. The deadline to request an absentee ballot is October 29th, but you should request yours ASAP so you have time to fill it out and return it. You Can Vote recommends requesting and returning your absentee ballot as soon as possible to make sure your vote counts. The mail can be slow and there is no grace period this year to return your ballot, so make sure it is received by your county’s board of elections by 7:30pm on November 5th!  Visit to learn more.  

Missed the voter registration deadline? Register and vote same-day at Early Voting! Early Voting sites are open from October 17th to November 2nd. Visit to find early voting locations, hours, and same-day registration instructions.

Voting early on campus?  The Turner Law Building is the closest early voting site to North Carolina Central University. For students living in university housing, precinct workers should have a dormitory roster to verify your address, and officials on hand to assist with completing same-day registration.  Off-campus students wanting to register in Durham County at early voting must show a document with their current address, such as a utility bill, and may find it easier to register online or on paper before the October 11th deadline. Visit to learn more.

When you go to vote in 2024, voters will be asked to show a photo ID. You can use your student ID, a North Carolina Driver's License, U.S. passport, or get a free voter photo ID from your county’s board of elections, among many other options. Visit to learn more.Voters who do not have any form of ID can use the voter ID exception form.

Need information to research the candidates? You may have 20+ offices on your ballot this fall. To learn about the role of each office, the candidates running, and how each office impacts the issues that matter most to you, visit

Voting on November 5? You can’t make any changes to your voter registration on Election Day and must go to your assigned polling place. If you’re already registered to vote in your County and didn’t vote early or by mail, you must vote at your assigned polling place on November 5th. Visit to find your Election Day voting location and make sure your registration is up to date. If you need help or have any questions when you go to the polls, call the NC Voter Assistance Hotline at 888-OUR-VOTE.

November Webinar: The Reflective Roadmap: Closure and Synthesis for Counselor Trainees in Supervision - November 5, 2024

Promotional image for November 2024 webinar

Tuesday, November 5, 2024 at 1pm ET

This presentation addresses the importance of qualitative closure during supervision for counselors-in-training completing practicum or internship experiences. The authors address what is currently in the literature around termination for counseling students in supervision and how a tool called the reflective roadmap can provide a powerful synthesis process for learning. The authors introduce the reflective roadmap technique and provide examples of how it can be used throughout supervision. Discussion involves implications not only for supervision but for counseling practice, counselor education, and research. 


Registration here:


Spring Semester 2025

Registration for the spring semester began on October 16.  If you have not already scheduled a time to meet with your advisor, please do so.

It is recommended that you attempt to register as soon as you are able to do so. Some classes may fill quickly.

Our goal is to help you move through the program at a steady rate, but it may not always be at the pace in which you thought you could go.  Some classes may fill early, and you may need to adjust your schedule a bit.  Some classes may be offered in a mode (online or on-campus) in which you can not take during a given semester, so you may need to adjust your plan/schedule with your advisor and take it the next time it is offered in your needed mode.

Keep in mind that any plan you develop with your advisor is always subject to change based on course availability.

Please note a few things:

Spring 2025 Schedule
Classes begin January 13, 2025

On campus courses

Online - synchronous courses

Online - asynchronous courses


Criteria C Program at NCCU




Fall 2024 through Summer 2025 MOA and Special Request Timeline (Practicum and Internship)


Fall 2024

Spring 2025

Summer 2025


Latest Announcements from nccuCounseling


Upcoming Dates to Remember for nccuCounseling:  


Did you know that you can subscribe to the nccuCounseling calendar?  If you use a digital calendar, you can subscribe and have all of the information from the "Key Dates" letter auto-populate in your calendar.  Visit our website for more information.

The Student Newsletter is sent to the student email list every two weeks.