Category: Announcements
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Beckwith - medThe Counselor Education Program at North Carolina Central University is pleased to announce the hiring of a new faculty member: Dr. Alyx Beckwith.

Dr. Alyx Beckwith is an Assistant Professor in the Counselor Education program. She received her Ph.D. in Counseling and Counseling Education from North Carolina State University and her Master of Education in Psychological Counseling from Teachers College at Columbia University. Dr. Beckwith is a licensed clinical mental health counselor supervisor and has worked in a variety of settings including community mental health, private practice, and college counseling. Her counseling work has primarily focused on children, adolescents, and families and on enhancing access to mental health care for all communities. Dr. Beckwith's research interests center on wellness in parents and families, multicultural and social justice counseling, and international counselor education.