Category: Announcements
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WilliamsRegina-mediumThe Counselor Education Program at North Carolina Central University is pleased to announce the hiring of a new faculty member: Dr. Regina Gavin Williams.

Dr. Williams is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Counselor Education program at North Carolina Central University She received her Ph.D. in Counseling and Counselor Education from North Carolina State University in 2016. Dr. Williams has worked in educational and community mental health settings, most recently working in student services within the NC State College of Education, and as a Licensed Professional Counselor primarily serving children and adolescents in the foster care system. She is the Past President of the North Carolina Association of Multicultural Counseling and Development (NCAMCD) and served as Member-at-Large, Government Relations on the 2017-18 North Carolina Counseling Association (NCCA) Governing Council.

Dr. Williams’ research focuses on the career and college readiness and adult self-sufficiency of adolescents aging out of the foster care system, training therapeutic foster caregivers, and assisting adolescents with post-secondary education and career decision-making. She also focuses on enhancing the multicultural and social justice counseling competencies of counselors-in-training.