Category: Announcements
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Image of grant recipientsNCCU Counselor Education faculty, Dr. Kyla Kurian, Dr. Gwen Newsome, and Dr. Levette Dames (r-l) -- current NCCU Counselor Education student, Whitley Grant (Mental Health Counseling) -- and NCCU Counselor Education alumnus, Dr. Robert Horne (Mental Health Counseling, class of 2010) won a 2014 Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES) Research Grant Award.  The award was announced on October 10, 2014 at the Southern Asscociation for Counselor Education and Supervision (SACES) Conference held in Birmingham, Alabama.  

Their proposal, Preparing Counselors of Color in Training for Diverse Cultural Contexts: Exploring the Experiences and Education of Students of Color in Counseling Programs, was selected as a part of a competitive, peer-reviewd process by the ACES Research Grant Award Committee.  An award in the amount of $1,465.00 was presented to the research team at the SACES award luncheon.