
National Board for Certified Counselors Foundation - Apply for a Scholarship or Fellowship

Search this resource for funding opportunities from the NBCC Foundation (e.g., SAMSHA Funded Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) Awards)


American Psychological Foundation - Search Scholarships, Grants and Awards

Althought this resource is sponsored by the American Psychological Foundation, there are resources for Counseling students.  Search their listing for relevant funding opportunities (e.g., Alma Empowering Minds Scholarship & Mentorship Program).


University Scholarships Page


External Scholarships Page (via NCCU)


Wachovia Book Scholarship

Funds requested to go toward purchase of textbooks


Flood Funds for Student Development and Support

Funds requested can go toward tuition/fees, Praxis II test, CPCE/NCE, International travel, Crisis situations, Textbook.