Category: Student Announcements
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Student Newsletter

March 15, 2021



Student Social Hour

In a recent survey of Program graduates, students expressed a desire for more connection with other students and faculty while in the Program.  

As a faculty, we brainstormed some ideas for how we might accomplish this during this challenging time.  

We have decided to provide some dedicated online space and time on a regular basis for students to have the opportunity to socialize with their fellow nccuCounseling students.  This will be an opportunity to network, to get your know your colleagues outside of the "classroom", and to be able to interact with faculty in a different context.

Every two weeks, a faculty member will open and be present in a WebEX room.  Faculty will take turns hosting this social time. The time will be informal, with no set agenda.  You can come to socialize, ask questions, talk about professional (or non-professional) issues, play games, or just hang out.  There is no requirement that you attend....but your presence would be welcome.

Below is the schedule for the spring semester.  All social hours are held from 4pm to 5pm (eastern time).

Date Host Faculty  Host Faculty   Host Faculty
Sunday, March 21, 2021 King Lupton-Smith  
 Sunday, April 11, 2021  Lupton-Smith  Beckwith  
 Sunday, April 25, 2021  Williams  Barrow  

WebEX link to join the social hour:

Meeting #: 120 026 4011

Sorry, the social is for current nccuCounseling students ONLY.  If you are a prospective student, you may wish to participate in the nccuCounseling Hangout.



March Webinar



Title: Grieving an Incarcerated Loved One: Conceptualization and Treatment Recommendations

Date: March 16, 2021 at 1:00pm ET

Presenters: Drs. Kelly King and Peggy Whiting, Damon Toone


Incarceration touches many families in communities across the United States. A new and growing research base frames the experience of having a family member incarcerated as a loss. This grief can be comparable to death losses, however, it also has meaningful differences in terms of the stigma and invalidation often surrounding loss to incarceration. In this presentation we will talk about the context of incarceration as well as the contributions that grief and loss counseling can make to counselors supporting people who are system-impacted.



Registration for the Summer and Fall Semesters - A Note from the Department Chair

The schedule for the summer and fall semesters is now available in BANNER.  Registration for both the summer and fall will begin for all students on March 17.

Please be aware that there will be synchronous and asynchronous course listings both this summer and next fall. 

If a class is synchronous, there will be a specific day and time listed on BANNER.  Please pay attention to this information when registering.  If you register for a synchronous course, you are required to be present during each and every class day and time.  Synchronous classes meet every week on the same day at the same time.  If you cannot commit to the class meeting times, please do not register for the course.  You will need to develop a different plan with your advisor.

As you meet with your advisor, please check with them regarding the course delivery method before making your plans.  They will know which classes are synchronous and which are not.

For the summer, please be aware that faculty are not required to teach during the summer months.  Some use this time for research and writing.  There is a chance that we will be unable to accommodate every student in courses that you may want to take this summer.  Once a class is full, it is full.  If you are unable to get into a class that you want this summer, you will need to attempt to register for it the next time it is offered.

~ C. Royal


Taking the CPCE this spring?

The CPCE testing window for the spring semester of 2021 is March 15-26, 2021.  If you intend on taking your comprehensive exam this spring, please read this announcement for important information and instructions.

CPCE Study Hall


The Nu Chi Chi chapter of Chi Sigma Iota is offering a weekly CPCE Study Hall leading up to the exam.

We've heard you! Thank you for voting on a day for our CPCE Study Hall. The study hall will be held on Saturday, March 13th and Saturday, March 20th from 11am-12:30pm. Please use to join us!

There is no pressure to join and if you can not make it on a scheduled date, that's fine too! This is just an additional way to study and support one another in a relaxed setting.

Ashley Goss,

CSI, Nu Chi Chi President


Practicum and Internship - Summer and Fall 2021

Students completing a practicum or internship in the summer of 2021: Your signed Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) is due to Dr. Blount by 5pm on Friday, April 9, 2021.

Students completing a practicum or internship in the fall of 2021: Your Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) is due to Dr. Blount by 5pm on Friday, July 9, 2021.

Final Defense

Attention students graduating this spring and summer: Please sign up for an appointment time for your final defense. The defense is a mock-interview and is intended to sharpen your job seeking and interviewing skills. 

We will conduct your defense using WebEX.  You will need to sign up for an appointment time HERE.  A faculty member will send you a WebEX invitation sometime before the defense is to take place, but after you have scheduled an appointment.  

Defenses for spring and summer graduates are scheduled for April 5-9.  Summer graduates need to schedule their defense this spring; defenses are not held during the summer break.


North Carolina Central University is switching to a new assessment system (Watermark/Taskstream).  The School of Education will no longer use Foliotek.  We will make information about this new system available as things progress.  For now, you do not need to create or renew a Foliotek account.  You will not need to upload any more documents into the Foliotek system.  Please be assured that faculty will still have access to what you have already uploaded in Foliotek. 


Upcoming Dates to Remember for nccuCounseling: 


Did you know that you can subscribe to the nccuCounseling calendar?  If you use a digital calendar, you can subscribe and have all of the information from the "Key Dates" letter auto-populate in your calendar.  Visit our website for more information.


The Student Newsletter is sent to the student email list every two weeks.