Category: Student Announcements
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Student Newsletter

December 21, 2020


Wrapping up another year! A note from the Department Chair

As we close out 2020, and another fall semester, I hope that you will take some time to rest and relax.  This year, we have all spent a great deal of time looking at our screens.  It is time to "unplug" for a little while - both students and faculty. 

If you are seeking information about the Program, a lot of what you may be interested in can be found on our website (  If you have questions that are not addressed on the site, please be patient during the winter break.  Faculty will be available again in the first full week of January.

~ Dr. Chadwick Royal, Chair, Department of Allied Professions


January Webinar


January 2021 Webinar

Title: Using Love Languages in the Treatment of Addictions

Date: January 12, 2021 at 1pm ET

Presenters: Jordan Hyler, MA, NCC, LCAS, LCMHCA and Jennifer Barrow, PhD, NCC, LCMHCS


Based on The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman, presenters will share a module-based approach to using love languages in rehabilitation counseling.  Learning how an addict feels love may promote healthy behaviors associated with supportive environments.  Designed to decrease recidivism presenters will share how to incorporate love into your practice.


Taking the CPCE this spring?

The CPCE testing window for the spring semester of 2021 is March 15-26, 2021.

Test-taking Strategies Workshop - Spring 2021 - January 24, 2021

The purpose of this workshop is to assist students with strategies and skills to take the NCE and CPCE exams. Topics include managing test-taking anxiety, personalizing a study plan, and practicing multiple study strategies (e.g., mnemonic devices, flash cards). This workshop is meant to supplement your continued study of core content. While we will cover exam content throughout the day, it will not be our sole or primary focus. Please sign up by Sunday, January 17, 2021.


Textbooks for the Spring Semester

Don't forget that our textbook list is always posted on the Program's website here:

Please have your materials available and ready before classes begin in January.

2nd Annual 2021 Spring (Virtual) Career Institute


Theme: “Career, COVID, Cognitive Information Processing (CCC): Career Strategies to Empower Individuals with COVID Related Challenges”


The North Carolina Central University Career Counseling Program invites you to the 2nd Annual 2021 Virtual Spring Career Institute, entitled, “Career, COVID, Cognitive Information Process (CCC): Career Strategies to Empower Individuals with COVID- Related Challenges.”

This event will be held virtually on Friday, January 29, 2021 from 8:45 am – 12:00 noon (eastern time) and will bring together professionals from around the state who are interested in career, and mental health.

Dr. Debra Osborn will be the Keynote Speaker. She is a Co-Director and Senior Research Associate for the Center for the Study of Technology in Counseling and Career Development at Florida State University.

Other speakers include:

Register here:

Annual Report for 2019-2020 Now Available


Our Annual Report for the 2019-2020 school year is now available.  Interested parties such as students currently in the program, alumni, program faculty, institutional administrators, and personnel in cooperating agencies (e.g., employers, site supervisors) can view the report here:

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of the counselor education community!


North Carolina Central University is switching to a new assessment system (Watermark/Taskstream).  The School of Education will no longer use Foliotek.  We will make information about this new system available as things progress.  For now, you do not need to create or renew a Foliotek account.  You will not need to upload any more documents into the Foliotek system.  Please be assured that faculty will still have access to what you have already uploaded in Foliotek. 

Upcoming Dates to Remember for nccuCounseling: 


Did you know that you can subscribe to the nccuCounseling calendar?  If you use a digital calendar, you can subscribe and have all of the information from the "Key Dates" letter auto-populate in your calendar.  Visit our website for more information.


The Student Newsletter is sent to the student email list every two weeks.