Category: Student Announcements
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Student Newsletter

August 3, 2020


Fall Schedule

Image courtesy of NCCUThe University has announced that the dates of the fall semester have changed.  The fall semester will begin on August 24, 2020 and conclude on November 24, 2020. Fall Break has been eliminated, and additional online instruction dates will be held on Saturdays between August 24 and November 24.  Please visit this page for the full statement from the chancellor regarding the revised academic calendar.

For the fall semester, all graduate programs at NCCU have been requested to offer online coursework only.  Some undergraduate courses will be offered on campus. In general, it is anticipated that fewer people on campus will offer a better ability to practice social distancing and offer a safer environment for everyone.  The university has published "Guidelines for Returning to NCCU".

ALL courses within the Counselor Education Program will be offered as ONLINE courses in the fall of 2020.

Typically, in BANNER, online courses are designed with a section number that begins with "OL".  On campus courses typically have just the section number.  

At present, when you look on BANNER, the previously listed on campus course section numbers have remained unchanged. However, please note the "location" change and specification that it is an online course.  Courses that were previously listed as online courses (sections designated with "OL#") remain unchanged.

These changes, particularly last minute ones, are stressful.  The last several months have been particularly difficult.  Sometimes these circumstances require us to revisit plans that we have made previously.  We hope that you will continue to exercise and demonstrate positive counselor characteristics: Good self-care, flexibility, open-mindedness, and decision-making based on information you have at the moment.

Field Service Announcement - Fall 2020


Don't forget that your hours in the fall must be obtained during the semester dates.  You can not begin your fall placement before August 24, 2020 - and you must conclude your hours by November 24, 2020.

Students should follow all directives issued by their placement sites, local municipalities, counties, or states regarding face coverings, social distancing, staying at home, sheltering, or quarantining. Although students may not be physically present at their placement site, they may continue to accrue direct and indirect hours.

The following statements were approved by the Counselor Education faculty:

Per CACREP’s guidelines, the NCCU Counselor Education Program will allow students to “rollover” hours completed in a previous clinical placement (Practicum or Internship). The hours that could be rolled-over would consist of hours completed that would have exceeded the hours required for the previous clinical experience. For example, the Practicum requires 100 hours in the field. If a student previously documented 150 hours in Practicum, for example, the student would be able to roll-over 50 hours (the excess left after 100 hours completed).

Please be assured that your safety and your education have been our primary focus. It is not easy making decisions like this, but we have made our best efforts to develop plans that (as much as possible) are safe, fair, and maintain the standards set for training.

Face Coverings

Face coverings are required at NCCU, should you come to campus. The UNC System is requiring all individuals to wear face masks or other face coverings while on campus. 

Fall Textbooks

Don't forget that our textbook list is posted on the Program's website here:

Please have your materials available and ready before classes begin.


Upcoming Dates to Remember for nccuCounseling: 


Did you know that you can subscribe to the nccuCounseling calendar?  If you use a digital calendar, you can subscribe and have all of the information from the "Key Dates" letter auto-populate in your calendar.  Visit our website for more information.

The Student Newsletter is sent to the student email list every two weeks.