Category: Student Announcements
Hits: 2980

For the fall semester, all graduate programs at NCCU have been requested to offer online coursework only.  Some undergraduate courses will be offered on campus. In general, it is anticipated that fewer people on campus will offer a better ability to practice social distancing and offer a safer environment for everyone.  The university has published "Guidelines for Returning to NCCU".

ALL courses within the Counselor Education Program will be offered as ONLINE courses in the fall of 2020.

Typically, in BANNER, online courses are designed with a section number that begins with "OL".  On campus courses typically have just the section number.  

At present, when you look on BANNER, the previously listed on campus course section numbers have remained unchanged. However, please note the "location" change and specification that it is an online course.  Courses that were previously listed as online courses (sections designated with "OL#") remain unchanged.

online in Banner