Category: Student Announcements
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Student Newsletter

June 8, 2020


Fall Schedule

Image courtesy of NCCUThe University has announced that the dates of the fall semester have changed.  The fall semester will begin on August 24, 2020 and conclude on November 24, 2020. Fall Break has been eliminated, and additional online instruction dates will be held on Saturdays between August 24 and November 24.  Please visit this page for the full statement from the chancellor regarding the revised academic calendar.

For the fall semester, all graduate programs at NCCU are requested to offer online coursework only.  Some undergraduate courses will be offered on campus. In general, it is anticipated that fewer people on campus will offer a better ability to practice social distancing and offer a safer environment for everyone.  The university has published "Guidelines for Returning to NCCU".

What this means for the Counseling Program is that you may see some of our on campus courses be converted to online courses.  If there are courses where there are currently both on campus and online offerings, we may combine sections so that everyone is registered for the online section. 

Our hope (right now) is that our Fall schedule will have as little change as possible (beyond the changes specified above).   However, with that said, please be aware that circumstances are fluid and could yet change again.  The University makes all decisions about what courses are offered - and how they are offered.  Sometimes, they make decisions at the last minute.  We will do our best to advocate for our students and provide you with as much advance notice of changes as possible.  Unfortunately, we can not guarantee at this time that all schedules will remain unchanged. 

These changes, particularly last minute ones, are stressful.  The last several months have been particularly difficult.  Sometimes these circumstances require us to revisit plans that we have made previously.  We hope that you will continue to exercise and demonstrate positive counselor characteristics: Good self-care, flexibility, open-mindedness, and decision-making based on information you have at the moment.

Field Service Announcement - Fall 2020

Remember, MOAs for any Fall placement are due to Dr. Blount by July 10th. 


Summer 2 and Fall Textbooks

Don't forget that our textbook list is posted on the Program's website here:

Please have your materials available and ready before classes begin.



Upcoming Dates to Remember for nccuCounseling: 


Did you know that you can subscribe to the nccuCounseling calendar?  If you use a digital calendar, you can subscribe and have all of the information from the "Key Dates" letter auto-populate in your calendar.  Visit our website for more information.

The Student Newsletter is sent to the student email list every two weeks.