Category: Student Announcements
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Student Newsletter and Reminders

March 30, 2020


Summer Offerings

thinking of youWe hope that you are well, doing all that you can to remain healthy and well.  Information and understanding about COVID-19 seems to change on a daily basis.

The NCCU Counselor Education faculty have met multiple times over the last two weeks ā€“ and we collectively want to wish you well and offer support to you in any way that we can. Please reach out to your adviser, if you wish, to let them know how you are doing. Please let us know if there is anything that you need.

As you are aware, registration for the Summer and Fall is underway. When we first planned the summer and fall schedules, things were different. COVID-19 was only in a distant place. We never anticipated that all of us would be affected in such a way.

In light of current events, we need to alter some of our summer offerings.

Because of these changes, the only Memorandums of Agreement that are due on April 10 will be the MOAs from those students mentioned above who are approved to take the 2nd half of their internship. All other MOAs for the Fall semester will be due by July 10, 2020.

If you are impacted by this change, please get in touch with your adviser at some point to revise your plan of study.

Our hope (right now) is that our Fall schedule will remain as it is, and we already anticipate that we will need to make room in some Fall sections of courses to accommodate students misplaced by the Summer changes. However, with that said, please be aware that circumstances are fluid and could yet change again. Unfortunately, we can not guarantee at this time that the Fall schedule will remain unchanged.


April Webinar: April 7, 2020


WEBINAR: Career and College Readiness: Best Practices for Diverse Populations

April 7, 2020 at 1pm EDT


Dr. Regina Gavin Williams & Dr. Robert Martinez (UNC-Chapel Hill)

In this session we will discuss the importance of career and college readiness knowledge for counselors working with children and adolescents.The skills, tools and knowledge necessary to help their students/clients achieve career and college readiness-self efficacy will be explored. Details of two evidence-based psycho-educational career and college readiness interventions utilized with adolescents from diverse populations will be shared.

Chi Sigma Iota - Nu Chi Chi

The CSI new member induction ceremony scheduled for Friday, April 3, 2020 has been postponed until the Fall semester.  


Upcoming Dates to Remember for Counselor Education Students: 

Cancelled or Postponed Events:

Did you know that you can subscribe to the nccuCounseling calendar?  If you use a digital calendar, you can subscribe and have all of the information from the "Key Dates" letter auto-populate in your calendar.  Visit our website for more information.

The "Student Newsletter and Reminders" is sent out to the student email list every two weeks.