Category: Student Announcements
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Student Newsletter and Reminders

November 4, 2019



If you plan to complete your Practicum or Internship in the Spring 2020 semester, your Spring Memorandum of Agreement is due by Friday, November 15, 2019. The updated Memorandum of Agreement has been posted to our website.  This is a firm deadline.  If you do not have your MOA submitted on time, it is likely that you will need to delay your placement.

NBCC Foundation Minority Fellowship Program

NBCC Foundation Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) - available awards range from $10,000 to $20,000. For more information, visit Application deadline is December 15, 2019.


November Webinar

Incorporating Expressive Arts in Counseling - November 12, 2019 at 1pm
Drs. Regina Gavin Williams and Kelly King

Creative activities have the potential to promote meaningful introspection and support social connections when incorporated into counseling (Boldt & Paul, 2011; Lenz, Holman, & Dominguez, 2010; Rosen & Atkins, 2014).  In this webinar, we will define expressive arts, list considerations for their application, and explore their benefit for clients. We will also outline several creative interventions for use in future counseling sessions across school, career, and clinical mental health settings.


Congratulations to Dr. Barrow

The North Carolina School Counseling Association has selected Dr. Jennifer Barrow as this year's Counselor Educator of the Year. Dr. Barrow will be honored at this year's NCSCA conference.
The award will be presented at the opening conference meeting on Thursday, November 14th at the Embassy Suites Convention Center in Concord.

Purchase Your Textbooks Early

The textbook list is available on our website here.  Purchase your texts before the next semester begins, when possible, so that you will be ready to go when classes start.

Are you planning on double-majoring?

There is a new process for declaring a second major.  Read more about the process here.

Upcoming Dates to Remember: 

  • Nov. 4-5: Final Defense for December 2019 graduates
  • Nov. 8: Founder's Day Convocation and Wreath-laying Ceremony
  • Nov. 9: Homecoming
  • Nov. 12: November Webinar - Incorporating Expressive Arts in Counseling (Drs. Williams and King)
  • Nov. 12: School of Education Faculty Meeting
  • Nov. 13: Department of Allied Professions Faculty Meeting
  • Nov. 13-15: NC School Counseling Association Annual Conference
  • Nov. 15: Deadline for Spring 2020 MOAs

Did you know that you can subscribe to the nccuCounseling calendar?  If you use a digital calendar, you can subscribe and have all of the information from the "Key Dates" letter auto-populate in your calendar.  Visit our website for more information.


The "Student Newsletter and Reminders" is sent out to the student email list every two weeks.