Category: Student Announcements
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August 16, 2016

Dear Counselor Education Students,

Welcome back for the 2016-17 academic year! I trust that you had a good and productive summer. There are some key dates and tasks that you need to focus upon depending on where you are in your plan of study. The forms mentioned in the key dates are located on our program website ( on the student page and at

Please note that all spring and summer Foliotek documents should be uploaded into Foliotek by September 9, 2016.

Have a great semester!
Dr. Whiting


Fall 2016 Key Dates

 August 15

First day of classes 

 August 19 Drop/Add Period Ends at 4:00 PM
 September 1 CE Deadline to apply for Written Examination (CPCE). Submit 3 copies of the application and a money order to CCE for $50.00 to your advisor by 3:00 pm in an envelope with your name, email address and phone number.
September 5  Labor Day, No Classes
September 8 Open Program Meeting for all Counseling Students from 3-4pm. This is a time particularly for newer students to come meet with faculty for questions & answers.  Room 2004
September 9

CE Deadline to upload Foliotek documents from the Spring/Summer 2016 coursework

September 9

Career Counseling Residency I for new online career program students only, noon-3pm, Room 2004.

September 9

Field Site Supervisor Orientation for all fall Practicum and Internship site supervisors at 3pm. Room 1011

September 12 CE Open House from 3 – 5:00 pm. Room 2004
September 13 CE Webinar at 1:00 pm
September 15 CE Deadline to apply for December graduation. Submit 3 copies of the Application for Graduation form to your advisor by 3:00 pm and the School of Education degree checkout form.
September 16 Last day to withdraw from the university with a prorated tuition and fee adjustment
September 17  Chi Sigma Iota Workshop for the CPCE & NCE, 9-4:00pm, Room 1077
September 30

Comprehensive Exams (CPCE). Arrive in Room 1083 no later than 8:45 am. Only students who applied by September 1st are eligible.

September 30

CE Deadline to apply for Admission to Candidacy if you plan to graduate in May of 2017. Submit 3 copies of the Admission to Candidacy form to your advisor by 3:00 pm.

September 30

Last day for students to submit signed and cleared graduation applications to the Registrar.

October 1 Addictions Conference at NCCU, School of Education.
October 4-5 CE Mid-Program Portfolio Review for students applying for Practicum in the spring. Students must complete the Mid-Program Portfolio Review before they can be placed in Practicum. The review will consist of an oral examination of the student's work uploaded into Foliotek to that point. During this 15-minute review, the faculty and student will discuss the student's field placement plans. To sign up for the review go to  Room 2114.
October 6 CE Praxis preparation workshop from 5:00 – 6:30 pm. School counseling candidates must take this workshop before taking the Praxis II.  Room 2004
October 6-8 SACES Conference – New Orleans, LA
October 7 Last day for graduate students to withdraw from a class.
October 11 CE Webinar at 1:00pm
October 12 Registration for Spring 2017 begins
October 12-14 CE Interviews (campus or videoconference).  Room 2114.
October 14

Founder's Day

October 14

Deadline for graduating students to clear grades of Incomplete.

October 15 Homecoming
October 17-18 Fall Break, no classes
October 21 NC Career Development Conference, Alamance Community College
October 20-22 LPCANC Conference - Concord, NC
November 1-2 Foliotek Final Defense Date for December 2016 applicants for graduation. Bring 3 typed portfolio defense forms to this meeting. Sign up for the Foliotek defense at Room 2114.
November 3-4 NC School Counseling Association Conference, Greensboro, NC
November 8 Webinar at 1:00 pm
November 23-27 Thanksgiving Break, no classes
November 28

Last Day of Classes for graduating students

November 28

Deadline (by 5:00 pm) for December applicants for graduation to submit Foliotek revisions

November 28

Deadline for Theses/Projects

December 2 Final grades due for graduating students at 5pm in Banner
December 8 December graduate exit interview at 3:00 pm. All surveys should be completed so graduates can be cleared at this meeting. Surveys can be found at  Room 2004
December 9

All final grades due in Banner by 5pm

December 9

Commencement Rehearsal at 11am

December 10 Commencement Ceremony at 9am
December 13 Webinar at 1:00 pm


Spring 2017 Key Dates


January 9 First day of classes
January 10 CE Webinar at 1:00pm
January 13

Deadline to upload Foliotek documents from the Fall 2016 semester.

January 13

Drop/Add Period Ends at 4:00pm

January 16 Martin Luther King Day, no classes
January 19

Last Day to apply for May graduation. Submit 3 copies of the Application for Graduation form to your advisor by 3:00 pm and the School of Education degree checkout form.

January 19

Last day to submit the Admission to Candidacy form to graduate in December of 2017. Submit 3 copies of the Admission to Candidacy form to your advisor by 3:00 pm.

January 24

Site Supervisor Orientation - via WebEX - 1pm EST

January 26

Counselor Education Program Open House - Room 2004 - 3:00pm EST

February 10 Last day to withdraw from the university with a prorated tuition and fee adjustment.
February 13-15 CE Applicant Interviews
February 14 CE Webinar at 1:00 pm
February 16 CE Praxis preparation workshop from 5:00-6:30 pm. School counseling candidates must take this workshop before taking the Praxis II required for school counseling licensure.  Room 2004.
February 20 Deadline to apply for Written Examination. Submit 3 copies of the application and a money order to CCE for $50.00 to your advisor by 3:00 pm in an envelope with your name, email address and phone number.
February 27-28 Mid-program review for students planning to take Practicum in the summer or fall. Sign up at See your advisor for more details.
March 7 CE Webinar at 1:00pm
March 8 Last day for graduate students to withdraw from a class with a grade of WC.
March 11-19 Spring Break, no classes
March 15 Deadline for graduating students to clear grades of Incomplete
March 16-19 American Counseling Association Conference, San Francisco, CA
March 20 Summer and Fall Registration period begins
March 21 CE New Student Orientation at 3:00 pm.  Room 2004
March 24 Comprehensive Exams (CPCE). Arrive no later than 8:45 am. Only students who applied by February 20th are eligible.
April 3-4 Foliotek Defense for May and Summer 2017 graduates  Bring 3 typed portfolio defense forms to this meeting.
April 6 Honors Convocation
April 11 CE Webinar at 1:00pm
April 23 CSI Induction, 3:00 pm
May 1

Last day of classes for graduating students.

May 1

Deadline for theses/projects

May 5 Final grades due for graduating students by 5:00 pm in Banner
May 9 CE Webinar at 1:00 pm
May 11

May graduate Exit Interview at 3:00 pm. All surveys should be completed so graduates can be cleared at this meeting.  Room 2004.

May 11

Graduation Rehearsal at 6:00 pm

May 12

Graduate Commencement Exercises at 3:00 pm

May 12

All final grades due in Banner at 5:00pm

May 13

Undergraduate Commencement at 8:00 am