Category: Student Announcements
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Dear Counselor Education Students,

Welcome back for the 2023-2024 academic year!  

There are some key dates and tasks that you need to focus upon depending on where you are in your plan of study. The forms mentioned in the key dates are located on our program website ( on the student page.

Please note that all December graduates must now complete their application(s) for graduation online.  Please have this completed by August 25th.

Have a great semester!

Dr. Whiting & Dr. Royal


Fall 2023


August 14

First day of classes.

August 22

Department of Counseling and Higher Education Faculty Meeting - 9am

August 25

December graduates: Graduation applications should be completed online by this date.  Notify your advisor that you have completed your form(s).

Drop/Add period ends at 4:00 pm.  Classes dropped for all students without payment arrangements.

Stress First Aid Training - 9am-1:30pm

Field Site Supervisor Orientation for all fall Practicum and Internship site supervisors at 3:00 pm.

August 27  

Prospective Student Information Session by Zoom 7pm

September 4

Labor Day, No Classes

September 5

nccuCounseling Webinar - 1-2pm

September 11-22

CPCE testing window for fall 2023. More information to come. 

September 15

Last day to withdraw from the university with a prorated tuition and fee adjustment

September 17  

Prospective Student Information Session by Zoom 7pm

September 26

Department of Counseling and Higher Education Faculty Meeting - 10am

September 29

General NCCU Faculty Meeting

October 3

nccuCounseling Webinar - 1-2pm

October 6

NCE: By October 6, approved applicants will receive candidate ID and instructions on setting up account from Pearson VUE. All applicants will need to create an account with Pearson VUE to access the exam.

October 9-10

Fall Break - no classes

October 11

Registration for spring 2023 begins

October 11-15

ACES Conference (held every other year)

October 12-14

Mid-Program Portfolio Review for students applying for Practicum in the spring. Students must complete the Mid-Program Portfolio Review before they can be placed in Practicum. The review will consist of an oral examination of the student’s work to date. During this 15-minute review, the faculty and student will discuss the student’s field placement plans. To sign up for the review go to

October 13

Deadline for graduating students to clear grades of Incomplete.

October 13 - November 25

NCE testing window opens. Applicants sit for the NCE through Pearson VUE site / NCCU Testing Center

October 14-15

LCCNC Annual Conference (Licensed Clinical Counselors of North Carolina)

October 18-20

Group Counseling (CON 5351) Residency - (8:30am-5pm)

October 24

Department of Counseling and Higher Education Faculty Meeting - 10am

October 29  

Prospective Student Information Session by Zoom 7pm

November 3

Last day for graduate students to withdraw from a class with a WC.

Founder’s Day/Convocation

November 4 


November 7

nccuCounseling Webinar at 1-2pm

November 8-10

NC School Counselor Association Annual Conference - Embassy Suites, Concord, NC

November 10

MOAs for Spring 2024 placement due to Dr. Blount

November 19 

Prospective Student Information Session by Zoom 7pm

November 22-26

Thanksgiving recess; no classes

November 27

Last day of classes for graduating students; Last day of class lecture for non-graduating students.

November 28

Department of Counseling and Higher Education Faculty Meeting - 10am

Reading Day

November 29 - 30

Final exams for graduating students

November 29 - December 7

Final exams for non-graduating students

December 1

Final grades for graduating students due in Banner by 5pm

December 7  

Last day of classes for all students

December 8

Commencement Virtual Rehearsal  /  8-9:30am for graduate students.

Chancellor’s reception for graduating students and their families -  12pm-3pm in the NCCU Student Center

Final grades for all students due in Banner by 5pm

December 9

Commencement ceremony  /  2pm for graduate students

December 10  

Prospective Student Information Session by Zoom 7pm