Category: Student Announcements
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Student Newsletter

December 5, 2022

Wrapping up another semester 

Congratulations to our December 2022 graduates - and to all for finishing another semester!

I hope that you will all take some time to relax and recharge between semesters.

After the commencement ceremony on Saturday, December 10, most of the counseling faculty will be unavailable until close to the start of the spring semester on January 9, 2023.  Should you need something during the break between semesters, please feel free to contact me.

Chad Royal, PhD, LCMHCS
Chair, Department of Counseling and Higher Education
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Office: 919/530-6465



4th Annual Career Institute

Friday, January 13, 2023


“Addressing Career Counseling and Employment Needs: Prioritizing The Physical, Mental, And Economic Health and Well-Being of People Living with HIV”


The North Carolina Central University Department of Counseling and Higher Education, Career Counseling Program in collaboration with the National Working Positive Coalition invite you to the 4th Annual Career Institute, entitled, “Addressing Career Counseling and Employment Needs: Prioritizing the Physical, Mental, and Economic Health and Well-being of People Living with HIV.” This event will be held on Friday, January 13, 2023 from 8:30 am – 1:00 pm.

This virtual event will bring together counseling professionals and students across the United States interested in career development, vocational rehabilitation, mental health and other counseling practices regarding employment needs of people living with HIV. Furthermore, participants will have an opportunity to network and learn about strengthening responses to this population. Presenters and panelists will include researchers, service providers, people living with HIV and other advocates for this focus on counseling at the intersection of HIV and employment needs.

The Keynote Speaker is Dr. Sharon Parker, who is an Interim Associate Dean of Research and Innovation, Associate Professor of Social Work Hairston College of Health and Human Sciences at North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University. Dr. Parker engages in a multidisciplinary approach in the areas of both research and clinical practice. Dr. Parker has over 20 years of clinical and research experience working with adolescents and adults in mental health and criminal justice. She has served as a substance abuse consultant at a training school for adolescent boys with histories of substance abuse and conducted HIV interventions with women prisoners. Dr. Parker is engaged in biomedical research examining the use of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) with men who have sex with men (MSM) and heterosexual women to reduce the transmission of HIV among high-risk populations.

Click below for more information:

Student Social

Nu Chi Chi, NCCU's Chapter of Chi Sigma Iota, Social Hours will resume again in January. These events are open to all students and faculty in the counseling program. Remember, these events occur on the 4th Sunday of every month, from 7:00-8:00pm (ET)
If you're available – we'd love to see you. We've enjoyed spending time with you throughout the semester, and we hope these events have provided a fun way to engage and build community. We hope to see everyone Sunday! 
Save The Dates! Future Social Hours will be held from 7:00-8:00pm (ET) on: 

Stay tuned for more information on upcoming events.  
Please email Kevin Eason, Nu Chi Chi Chapter President, at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions or more information.  
We hope to see you online in January!  


Latest Announcements from nccuCounseling


Upcoming Dates to Remember for nccuCounseling: 


Did you know that you can subscribe to the nccuCounseling calendar?  If you use a digital calendar, you can subscribe and have all of the information from the "Key Dates" letter auto-populate in your calendar.  Visit our website for more information.

The Student Newsletter is sent to the student email list every two weeks.