Category: Student Announcements
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Student Newsletter

May 23, 2022


Hello, Summer!

Summer session 1 and Dual session are scheduled to start tomorrow, Tuesday, May 24

If you are taking summer classes, it is important that you have your books and materials BEFORE classes begin.  Summer school moves very quickly.  Summer sessions 1 and 2 move at about three to four times faster than the speed of a traditional fall or spring semester.  In other words, you will cover three to four weeks of material in one week during summer school.  Missing your textbooks for even one week will create significant issues in which you may not be able to recover, and you will need to drop your course(s) for the summer.  

Don't delay in ordering your books for the summer!  The textbook list can always be found here.

A Note from Nu Chi Chi, NCCU's Chapter of Chi Sigma Iota (CSI)


In early April, Nu Chi Chi, NCCU's Chapter of Chi Sigma Iota, held its annual induction ceremony, where 15 counseling students were admitted for their academic excellence. Immediately after the induction, a business meeting was held to elect officers.  

Executive Officers for the 2022-2023 Academic Year Include:

We hope to make CSI an active and engaging experience for each member. We also strongly encourage students who have completed at least 12 credit hours while maintaining a GPA of at least 3.5 to consider joining us next year. More information on joining will be sent out this winter. We would like to celebrate with all counseling students at the end of the Fall semester. A date will be forthcoming.

~Kevin Eason, Nu Chi Chi President

Mind Body Reset imageWrapping Up Another School Year, A Note from the Department Chair

As our summer gets started, I hope that you will take some time to rest and relax, if you are able to do so.  It is time to "unplug" for a little while - both students and faculty. 

If you are seeking information about something related to our Program, a lot of what you may be interested in can be found on our website.  If you have questions that are not addressed on the site, please be patient during the break between semesters.  Some faculty teach during the summer, and some do not.  Most faculty use the summer to focus on their research and writing. 

If a faculty member is not teaching during the summer, I would ask that you allow them to have some space and time to focus on their work and wellness this summer (and I hope that you will do the same).  We will be back at "full-speed" again when school starts in August. 

The first summer session (and dual session) start tomorrow - May 24, 2022. 

~ Dr. Chadwick Royal
Chair, Department of Counseling and Higher Education

Labor Market Information = Job Opportunities

When we receive job postings or announcements, they are posted our website for three months.  Please feel free to visit this page often before and after you graduate.

We posted the following announcements in the month of May:

Duke is hiring this summer for their Pre-College Middle and High School Programs 17 May 2022
BAART of Durham is Hiring 09 May 2022


Would you like to receive text reminders and announcements from the Program?

Join our "Remind" group:

  1. Text "@nccuco" to 81010, or
  2. click on

Did you know we also have our own app?  Click on THIS LINK in your mobile device or tablet.  Select "Add to Home Screen".

Student Liability Coverage in Practicum and Internship

We have a change in the requirement for professional liability coverage while in Practicum and Internship. Starting this summer, 2022, students will no longer purchase a blanket policy through the University.

Students will need to join either ACA, ASCA, or AMHCA and receive liability coverage through the organization (which should come with membership). Students will need to submit a “Certificate of Insurance” (COI) when they submit their Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). 

When you join one of the above organization, be sure to either download or request a copy of your COI.  It is only one of many benefits in joining a professional organization.



Pursuing a Second Degree

For students who are graduating Spring 2022 or later, you MUST complete a minimum of 18 semester hours above and beyond your original plan of study in order to receive a second degree from NCCU.  There are very specific courses that must be completed to receive a second degree and these are specified on this page:

If you are pursuing two degrees, make sure that you have completed the new form that ensures the University is aware of your intention to pursue two degrees at the same time.  This form is new as of fall 2021.  It can be found in the forms area of the student website ("Adding a Second Major").

This form is completed and sent to your advisor for processing.  Once the form has been processed, you should see both degree programs on your transcript in BANNER.

Please note that your second internship must consist of a 600-hour placement.  In other words, students receiving a second degree will complete a second 600-hour internship placement (600 hours for their first major, 600 hours for their second major).

Please speak with your advisor if you have any questions.

Latest Announcements from nccuCounseling


Upcoming Dates to Remember for nccuCounseling: 


Did you know that you can subscribe to the nccuCounseling calendar?  If you use a digital calendar, you can subscribe and have all of the information from the "Key Dates" letter auto-populate in your calendar.  Visit our website for more information.

The Student Newsletter is sent to the student email list every two weeks.