Category: Student Announcements
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Student Newsletter

February 14, 2022


CACREP Site Visit

We are happy to report that we have completed our re-accreditation site visit (Feb. 2-4).  Thank you to everyone who helped with the visit!  



March Webinar


Webinar: Alcohol, Drugs, and College Students

Presenter: Latasha Y. Hicks Becton, Ph.D., LCMHC, LCAS, CCS

Description:  Institutions of higher education are required to follow the federal regulations set forth by the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA). As part of those regulations, each institution must establish and implement a program of alcohol and drug prevention, education, and intervention for students and staff.  In this presentation, we’ll talk specifically about patterns of alcohol and drug use in collegiate student populations as well as discuss potential interventions and ways to support students who wish to modify their patterns of alcohol and/or other drug use. 

Learning Objectives: 

Tuesday, March 1, 2022 at 1pm ET


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Join our "Remind" group:

  1. Text "@nccuco" to 81010, or
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Did you know we also have our own app?  Click on THIS LINK in your mobile device or tablet.  Select "Add to Home Screen"

Are you currently in Pre-practicum (CON 5371)? 

You will need to compete the Mid-program Review this semester, scheduled for February 28 through March 4. 

Find out more and sign up for a time here:

Do you intend on graduating this May or summer*?

You will need to complete your Final Defense, scheduled for April 11 through April 14. 

*Final defenses are not scheduled over the summer, so if your intention is to graduate this summer, you will need to complete your defense this spring semester.

Find out more and sign up for a time here:


Pursuing a Second Degree

For students who are graduating Spring 2022 or later, you MUST complete a minimum of 18 semester hours above and beyond your original plan of study in order to receive a second degree.  There are very specific courses that must be completed to receive a second degree and these are specified on this page:

If you are pursuing two degrees, make sure that you have completed the new form that ensures the University is aware of your intention to pursue two degrees at the same time.  This form is new as of fall 2021.  It can be found in the forms area of the student website ("Adding a Second Major").

This form is completed and sent to your advisor for processing.  Once the form has been processed, you should see both degree programs on your transcript in BANNER.

Please note that your second internship must consist of a 600-hour placement.  In other words, students receiving a second degree will complete a second 600-hour internship placement (600 hours for their first major, 600 hours for their second major).

Please speak with your advisor if you have any questions.

Latest Announcements from nccuCounseling


Upcoming Dates to Remember for nccuCounseling: 


Did you know that you can subscribe to the nccuCounseling calendar?  If you use a digital calendar, you can subscribe and have all of the information from the "Key Dates" letter auto-populate in your calendar.  Visit our website for more information.

The Student Newsletter is sent to the student email list every two weeks.