Category: Student Announcements
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Dear Counselor Education Students,

As you make plans for the spring semester, there are some key dates and tasks that you need to focus upon depending on where you are in your plan of study. Any forms mentioned in the key dates are located on our program website ( on the student page.

We hope you have a good start to the spring semester!

Dr. Whiting & Dr. Royal

Spring 2022

January 7

NCE application due at 11:59pm eastern

January 9

Online open house for prospective students - 7pm eastern

January 10

First day of classes; Late registration, schedule adjustment period (drop/add) begins

January 14

Graduation forms for May graduates must be typed and sent to your adviser by 5pm.  Follow the instructions on our website regarding the forms.


3rd Annual Career Institute 8:45am-12pm eastern

January 16

Online open house for prospective students - 7pm eastern

January 17

Martin Luther King, Jr Day Observance, No Classes

January 18

First day for a student to initiate a withdrawal from a class (grade of WC)


School of Education Faculty Meeting

January 21

Field Site Supervisor Orientation for all spring Practicum and Internship site supervisors - 3pm ET.

January 24

Drop/Add period ends at 4:00 pm.  Classes dropped for all students who have not made satisfactory payment arrangements.

January 25

Departmental Faculty Meeting - 10am

February 1

Webinar at 1pm eastern

Applications for fall 2022 admission due

February 2-4

CACREP Virtual Reaccreditation Site Visit

February 4-5

NC Counseling Association - Regional Conference, NC A&T

February 8

School of Education Faculty Meeting (tentative)

February 11

Last day to withdraw from the university with a prorated tuition and fee adjustment

February 11-12

NC Counseling Association - Regional Conference, App State

February 21- 24

Prospective student interviews for fall 2022 admission

February 22

Departmental Faculty Meeting - 10am

February 24-25

NC Counseling Association - Regional Conference, East Carolina

February 28 - March 4

Mid-Program Portfolio Review for students applying for Practicum in the summer or fall. Students must pass the Mid-Program Portfolio Review before they can be placed in Practicum. The review will consist of an oral examination of the student’s work. During this 15-minute review, the faculty and student will discuss the student’s field placement plans. To sign up for the review go to

March 1

Webinar at 1pm eastern

March 4

Last day for graduate students to withdraw from a class with a WC. 

Mini-session 1: Last day of classes

March 5-13

Spring Break

March 14

Registration for summer and fall 2022 begins.

Faculty to submit textbook orders to bookstore for summer and fall courses.

Deadline for graduating students to clear grades of Incomplete.

Field placement - special request submission deadline for summer 2022 placement

March 14-25

CPCE Testing Window

March 15

School of Education Faculty Meeting (tentative)

March 16-18

Group Residency (section 01)

March 22

Departmental Faculty Meeting - 10am eastern

March 23-25

Group Residency (section OL1)

March 25

General NCCU Faculty Meeting

March 30 - April 1

Group Residency (section OL2)

April 1

Chi Sigma Iota Induction Ceremony - 6:00pm eastern

April 7-9

American Counseling Association Conference, Atlanta, GA

April 8

Honors Convocation, McDougald-McLendon Arena (morning).

MOAs for Summer 2022 placement due to Dr. Blount by 5pm.

April 11-14

Final Defense Dates for Spring and Summer 2022 applicants for graduation. Sign up for the defense at

April 12

School of Education Faculty Meeting (tentative)

New student orientation - 3pm eastern

April 15

Good Friday Observance, no classes

April 15- May 28

NCE Testing Window 

April 16

Last day to submit theses/projects

April 25

Last day of classes for graduating students, last day of class lecture for non-graduating students

April 26

Departmental Faculty Meeting - 10am eastern

Reading Day

April 29

Final grades for graduating students due in Banner by 5pm eastern

May 4

Last day of classes for all students

May 5

May graduate Exit Interview at 3:00 pm. All surveys should be completed so graduates can be cleared at this meeting. Surveys can be found at  

Commencement rehearsal - 6pm

May 6

Graduate Commencement Ceremony  /  8am.

All grades due in Banner by 5pm

Chancellor’s Reception for graduating students and their families, 6pm.

May 7

Baccalaureate (Undergraduate) Commencement Ceremony

July 8

MOAs for Fall 2022 placement due to Dr. Blount by 5pm