Category: Advising
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All students should meet with their advisor to review their plan of study every semester.

Becuase the Counselor Education Program at NCCU does not function within a "cohort model" (everyone admited at the same time taking classes in the same sequence at the same time), some of the dates below may not apply to your individual plan of study as discussed with your advisor.

However, we offer these suggestions for your consideration as you go through the program:


1st semester enrolled (or before enrolled) Subscribe to the student email list
Semester you are enrolled in CON 5371: Pre-practicum Complete your Mid-program Review (sign up early in the semester)
Semester before graduation (not during the summer) Take the comprehensive exam (the "comps"); Submit your "Admission to Candidacy" form to your advisor
Semester you graduate (very early in the semester) Submit your "Application for Graduation" to your advisor, sign up for your final defense
Approximately one month before graduation Complete your Final Defense (sign up happens early in the semester)
Mid-program Review

The Mid-program Review is an activity where you present yourself before a committee of Counseling Faculty.  At the time of the Review, students have completed all of their Phase 1 coursework.  The faculty will review your work, ask you some questions, and make a determination as to whether or not you are ready to begin your clincial placement (i.e., Practicum). Decisions are based on your academic perfomance, your professional competence, and your dispostion.

You will schedule a time for your Mid-program Review the semester before you plan to take Practicum (CON 5372).  This is usually the same semester that you take Pre-practicum (CON 5371).  However, the Mid-Program Review is not offered in the summer (unless you are in the online section of 5371), so if you plan on taking Pre-practicum during the summer (and Practicum in the Fall), you will need to schedule your Mid-program review for the previous Spring semester.  You can not proceed in the program (or begin Practicum) until you complete the Mid-program Review. 

Written Comprehensive Exam (the "CPCE" or "the comps")

It is reccommended that you plan on taking your comprehensive exam the semester before you intend to graduate.  It is only offered in the Fall and Spring (not during the summer).  For example, if you intend on graduating in December (a Fall graduation), you will want to sit for your comprehensive exam in the previous Spring semester.  If you intend on graduating in May (a Spring graduation), you will want to sit for your exam in the previous Fall semester.

This way, should you fail the exam (unfortunately it happens to some), you will have another opportunity to take it during your final semester.  You are only permitted two attempts at the exam.  If you can't pass the exam, you will not be able to graduate.  It is suggested that you devote a good bit of time to studying for the exam.

There are instructions for how to register for your comprehensive exam here.

If you opt to take the exam the semester you graduate, you take a risk of not graduating when expected should you fail the exam on your first attempt.  You will have to postpone your graduation by at least one semester until the exam is offered again.  You will also not have the opportunity to take the NCE while in school (see below).

Admission to Candidacy

This form must be typed and submitted to your advisor the semester before you intend on graduating.  The form, once signed, will go before the School of Education's Graduate Council for approval.  The Graduate Council does not meet during the summer, so students will need to plan accordingly.  Forms will not be accepted or processed during the summer.  If you intend on graduating in the Fall, make sure that you submit your Admission to Candidacy forms the previous Spring semester. 

Application for Graduation

This form needs to be completed and submitted to your advisor very early during the semester in which you plan to graduate.  Your advisor is required to complete a verifcation of your requirements (another form) and send the documents to the Program Coordinator and Department Chair for approval.  Once completed, you may be asked to retrieve your documents and deliver them to the registrar.

Final Defense

Your final defense will take place during your last semester in school.  For most, if not all students, this happens while you are in your final semester of Internship (CON 5390).  The defenses are usually scheduled approximately one month before the graduation ceremony.  More about the defense is found here.

National Counseling Exam (NCE)

Another advantage of taking the comprehensive exam the semester before you graduate - is that if you pass the exam on your first attempt, you will be eligilble to sit for the National Counselor Exam (NCE) during the semester you graduate.  Only graduates of CACREP-accredited programs are permitted to take the NCE before graduating.  As you know, the NCE is the state licensing exam to become an LPCA.

School LIcensure Exam (Praxis II)

School counseling majors will need to take the Praxis II: Subject test for school counseling in order to be a licensed school counselor.  Do not take this exam without having first completed a Praxis-Prep workshop - and have the approval of your advisor.  We will post information regarding the workshop each semester.  It is usually taken during your last semester in school.